Once again RACN arrange the EUROMEET. After much investigation and checking we have decided to invite you to Bådstø Inn and Camping. This is a beautiful spot nicely situated by the river Gudbrandslågen in theCountyofOppland. Viz. Tretten in the borough of Øyer. Here you can find everything to make a successful Rambler/AMC meet. It Is centrally situated in short distance of the mountains , a beach, playground, minigolf, large lawns, fully comprehensible bar, indoors and outdoors cafeteria and its own diningroom. We also mention Skibladner (the White Swan of Mjøsa) well worth a visit.
At Tretten you can also find Cadillac Diner with an interior which is well worth a visit for a car enthusiast. This area has many possibilities for you all also after the meet. Take you family along and enjoy a few days in Gudbrandsdalen and top off with a fantastic Euromeet.
Bådstø Inn is situated by the river Gudbrandslågen just in between the Winter Olympics arenas of Kvitfjell and Hafjell, 25 minutes nord of the Olympic town ofLillehammerandNorway’s largestlakeMjøsa, at walking distance from Tretten along the E6 north ofOslo.
Points of Interest
Hunderfossen Familypark, Roadmuseum,. Olympic Arenas of Hafjell and Kvitfjell, Skei Golf course, Chinldren’s farm, Cadillac Diner and more
Distances In kilometers
From Oslo 210 km, Trondheim 300 km, Bergen 430 km, Mora in Sweden 330 km, Gothenburg 500 km, Stockholm 630 km.
AMC Show – Judging
According to the Club rules each class must have at least 4 cars for judging.
The classes are:
60’s cars from 1954 up until 1969
70’s cars from 1970 up until 1984
There is also a Jeep class and Drag race class. If there is not enough participants in these classes ( minimum 4 per class) the cars will compete in the appropriate 60’s or 70’s classes
This years’ novelty is a guest class for cars closely related to our cars, as Nash, Hudson etc. and we welcome these to our Euromeet. This opens up new possibilities.
Cabins with running water and bathrooms: one with 6 beds, 2 with 5 beds and 4 with 4 beds.
Cabins without running water: 20 with 4 beds. There are bathroom facilities on the premises. Caravans and tents can be accommodated. TheInnhas rooms with one, two, three or four beds. The inn also has a restaurant in which breakfast can be had.
Prices and reservation
Prices are not negociated fully at this point. We will come back to you as soon as we have the prices. The Prices are at present not higher than we are used to. We would like you to contact us by SMS or e-mail- + 47 97106281 – mail: rambler.cab@hotmail.com. We comply your wishes as best we can and confirm your reservation as soon as the prices are confirmed.
Fredag 16.08 Racn styret er på plass og ønsker alle som kommer denne dagen velkommen. Vi har fyr på grillen fra ettermiddagen.
I år er vi invitert av Tretten Cruisers på night cruising. Denne starter ved Cadillac diner kl: 1900. Vi anbefaller alle å besøke Cadillac Diner (cadillacdiner.no)da denne er vært å ta en titt på. Ellers så er det folk på treff plassen hele kvelden. Det bør nevnes at plassen har egen pub med alle rettigheter.
Lørdag 17.08
kl: 10,00 Vi starter dagen med en cruising ned til Hunderfossen der vi finner på noe før vi returnerer til Tretten.
Kl: 14,00 Starter vi med utstillingen.
Kl: 16,30 Har vi diplom og premie utdeling.
Kl: 17,30 Tenner vi i grillen og under ventetiden, trekker vi lodd og har auksjon.
Kl: 21,00 I år har vi leid inn levende mussikk, så da starter dansen. Kos dere og børst støvet av danseskoene
Søndag 18.08
Vi slapper av og spiser frokost før vi setter nesen hjemover.
Questions to the organizing committee :
Camilla Getz phone + 47 928 05 582
Kjell Blåhella phone + 47 990 86 401
Trond Skjønberg phone + 47 971 06 281